Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Wedding Diet Begins!

February 11th marked six months until the big day. That was a huge red alert- time to really get in shape.
I've been "wedding dieting" and "wedding getting in shape" since I got engaged. It hasn't worked out too well.

So, Monday began real focus on losing weight and getting toned for my wedding.

I am following a set diet: Chris Powell's Choose to Lose

 It's a Carb Cycle diet with five small meals a day. High carb one day, low carb another. Its not terrible, because you don't feel like you're starving.

I have also been doing cardio everyday and am trying to find a really good strength training routine as well. Anyone have a really awesome one?


  1. Since I have about 16 months, my "goal" is to get into wedding shape in the next few months and then just maintain it (wishful thinking here!). I have a really hard time with strict diets because I am a picky eater and don't always have the strange foods around the house. I joined a gym because if I am spending the money on it, I will actually go. And as much as I hate it, counting calories and keeping my breakfast and lunch counts similar each day works really well for me. That way I can know what I can "budget" for dinner.
    If you go onto Hulu.com you can search for "Self: Bikini Ready Fast" It is my favorite at-home strength training video. It kicks my butt.

    1. Meghan,
      I will check out this diet. I like the idea.
      I am also trying to loose some weight for my wedding. Although I do have way more time to do it so. My wedding is just in 2013.
      I started a blog to record my weight loss.


      I also started a intense interval trainning, that it only takes less then 15 minutes, and I have to tell you it is a killer. I started a week ago, and I feel awesome.
      Go check my blog, and maybe we can help eachother.
      Good Luck, and Congratulations on your wedding. It is real close. :)
